New Tag: Donkey Kong / ドンキーコング [Character]

Tag Data
Type: Character
English: Donkey Kong
Japanese: ドンキーコング
Alternatives: DK
Description: Donkey Kong, also shortened to DK, is a fictional gorilla character in the Donkey Kong and Mario franchise, created by Shigeru Miyamoto. The original Donkey Kong first appeared as the title character and antagonist of the eponymous 1981 game, a platformer by Nintendo, which would lead to the Donkey Kong series.
Contribution Information
Submitted by: Marik
Submitted on: Aug 17, 2024 at 21:54:04
Last updated: Aug 17, 2024 at 21:57:47
Status: Pending Review
Note: Upload: Dr. Mario xXx: Second Opinion / Dr. Mario xXx: Second Opinion

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