7 comments (0 hidden)

hehe great ending
Yes. Love it. Anal. Well not the ending, but it's still a funny way to end. Ironic I think?
Well she’s right in some sense
Thats why take in account your girl feelings...
She might snap if you dont 😅
Haha, good one.
ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, time to Revenge! (LOL)
The boyfriend wants to try out anal sex but she always denies it because of how painful it is. She persist and lets him do it but decides not to at the last moment. The boyfriend gets forceful and then sodomizes her asshole. He outs lube after and flicks her it to stimulate her. After the sex she gets revenge by making live to his ass with toys she's bought and it ends with him yelling in pain. I give this a 8 out if 10. At least she's a fighter I'll give her that.

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