13 comments (0 hidden)

Well this is fucked
Uhm.. nobody deserves this. The note at the end? Somebody like that should get a trial.. not get raped over and over bc „she deserved it“? Disgusting.
Does she deserves what he did to her?
No, its going overboard, even if understanding his grief...
Does she still needs to face the consequences of her actions?
Absolutely... but there are other ways.

That said, what the fuck did you guys expected from this author?
Seriously xD
>>1091163 @ GundamKira
this author? (checks out the author) good god! That is just nasty. Found another author to blacklist.
My perspective is more on a practical approach, If anything I would just torture and then kill after asuring lesson learned.
Where I disconnected was when the fat dumbass killed the unborn baby... in his blind rage... thats where I could NOT relate in ANY way anymore with the fatass.
I still stand on the side of she deserving punishment though.

About the author, I personally am not commplaning, I already know what to expect; I just found funny people still get in the bus even after reading the tags xD
I think it's funny when people act like rape is worse than death. You can recover from rape, eventually. You can't recover from death. That's just silliness.
If she did a hit and run and a child died, she might have been executed for it anyway depending on the trial.

So this not only gives reparations to the victim (the father) and gives her a more lenient sentence than a life in prison or the death penalty.

I think this is fair and just punishment. Losing the life of his only daughter in such a callous way makes the girl an actual sociopath. It may have started as an accident but the minute she decided to assault her instead of calling an ambulance, it became a murder.

Now, him aborting the baby is murder too, but that is legally a grey area. Until it takes a breath it's not technically human. Otherwise abortion doctors would all go to prison for life.
I can't believe y'all are thinking deep about this☠️, was it a good fap or nah
These are the real questions that matter. Not that other trite tripe they flood the media with. Us intellectuals need something new and complicated to ponder over.
i think i got the wrong bus
molotov it
Damn! What the girl did was fucking horrible but what the old did was more horrible. If it was me I would just hire rapists to rape her until she dies so my hands won't get dirty for touching a psycho bitch.
decided to read it due to all the comments, and...WOW the writers comment on the last page is right, it's very rare that you get revenge that actually justifies all the things done to her.
People say that this girl doesn't deserve it, then let a bitch kill your son or your daughter like that, look at her face at page 25, there was no rimorse in hitting the child, and then I'll have no rimorse torturing you, that piece of shit deserved to die, raping her it's just losing time, why are you even doing that? It's not gonna bring back your child but for sure killing that bitch after what she did to your own child is gonna relief you for the rest of your life.
She didn't give a damn about the life of that child, she only cared about her stupid date with her boyfriend, how can people be this soft with those kind of people? You really can forgive someone for killing your child like that? Like seriously? You just don't give a damn about your child then.
So many fucking pussies down here in the comments.

"Does she deserves what he did to her?
No, its going overboard, even if understanding his grief...
Does she still needs to face the consequences of her actions?
Absolutely... but there are other ways."

"Uhm.. nobody deserves this"

Please just shut the fuck up. If it was your kid losing his/her life like that you would think differently. The moment you kill my child, you no more have humans rights, I can do whatever the fuck I want with your body. If I want to kill you on the spot I will do it, if I want to forgive you I will do it but if I do something else don't come at me and tell me that "It's not right", a part of MY family was killed and so I decide what is right and what is wrong with the killer.

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