crossd I recommend using e-hentai/exhentai to get your raws in the future. You can also join our discord to get some proofreading done before uploading.
>>1094171 @ Anonymous203006
Upload system is broken atm, the dev has gone missing so we don't know when it'll be fixed. It should already be on pending though.
>>1094159 @ Anonymous203006
They updated the translation last year but no one had replaced it at the time.
More parts of this collection are censored with an uncensored version available. Because these Soushuuhens already try to use the uncensored versions as much as possible we'll be gradually replacing existing galleries with the Soushuuhens directly.
Untill recently, exhentai didn't allow the Gender Bender tag to be used for Body Swaps, hence the Gender Bender tag is only paired with it when people specifically remembered to do so and its not something uploaders have paid much attention to.
>>1094108 @ Anonymous203006
no updates from the scanlator, newer galleries aren't really affected by images corrupting, can't see why I would have reuploaded it.
>>1094119 @ wraithmarsh
wasn't when I uploaded it, and going by the comment section the Rewrite tag has been misused (Daruna tends to weaponize it whenever he gets into arguments like these. Checking up on the context can save these galleries but Daruna's foul presence does often indicate there are quality control concerns), but I will take it down for the untranslated parts (and probably wouldn't have uploaded it either if the Poor Grammar had been there, I'll begrudgingly approve it if its readable enough and there's little chance for a better version to come out anytime soon but even then I prefer not to have my own uploader tag involved)
resize of
>>1094018 @ Keledran
Why not? it adds a bit of realism. Acknowledging that they wouldn't just because its fiction would be breaking the 4th wall and not everyone appreciates that. Most artists will conveniently forget about it but obviously those that care about details like that or actually like condoms for whatever reason will make sure to remember. was already uploading it myself
Forgot part 3 was still pending, will do that one tomorrow.
>>1093835 @ DarekaNaa
Its unrelated beyond having the same dude from what I've been told, didn't even know it was connected to anything till it was pointed out to me after approving.

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