>>1252657 @ Marik
Yes and we don't tag them if they don't make their name known.
We don't host raws here, I'll make sure to get this uploaded if I see an English translation though.
Marik Puru Presence rule we copied over from EH still applies to characters.
This lacked character tags on EH before Marik came through (or at least, should have) because I removed them myself (with assistance from the tagging forum because multiple downvotes were needed)
Could argue Tamamo Cat to be close enough at 8 sequential (due to the cover) maybe the others with 7page chapters as well, but opted not to do so because it would definitely result in people trying to "complete" the characters by tagging everyone else with even less screentime as well.
Wouldn't have been enough hair for those tags anyway
resize of https://exhentai.org/g/2355199/abd065ab14/
Shouldn't be too hard to point out 10+ pages where it happens then.
I advise you stop trying to farm account levels by blindly upvoting everything.
Yeah no, anyone looking for this tag deserves better than 1/17 pages
>>1252490 @ Marik
that's the issue, your description said it wasn't a guy and I could not be bothered to put up with another flamewar on that topic.
>>1252445 @ Marik
In general it is not a good idea to base descriptions here on information that is subject to change, Bridget was considered male when most of the content this tag is used on was made and some artists still treat them as one.
We don't host non-English translations, raws only if there's little to no text (Game CGs and artbooks)
>>1252394 @ Marik
from what I've heard it seems to be an incredibly controversial retcon so for the time being we're not going to take an official stance on whether Bridget is a trap or trans.
resize of https://e-hentai.org/g/2386412/cdc962422f/
resize of https://e-hentai.org/g/2558643/a5e5a54bf3/
resize of https://e-hentai.org/g/2445281/cdfb044942/
resize of https://e-hentai.org/g/2683432/616611cbd0/
extreme resize of https://exhentai.org/g/2684741/d28388d511/
Toddlercon is an extension to the Lolicon tag not a replacement, and I'd say she's a bit borderline for it at the start at most, while kindergarten (ages 3-6 in a Japanese setting) is too young for my tastes its a tad old for a tag primarily aimed at babies/preschoolers (ages 0-3).
Anonymous165383 Please give a reason, otherwise I'm just going to assume you're too stupid to understand that tags like Guro / グロテスク and
Snuff already exist to flag certain kinds of content that people would want to blacklist.
>>1252092 @ Marik
If there's any pending uploads where the parody tags need to be changed just comment on them, I'll see when I'm about to approve it.
Looks like the system is automatically adding the type change where it shouldn't be, as Parody isn't even in the dropdown for fixing that.
Well it sounds like EH just mistagged the gallery you mentioned, which is not uncommon, taggers also treat stuff as a generic series tag when it's against the rules there and taggers never quite catch up on cleaning that.

I'd prefer if stuff where the Fire Emblem / ファイアーエムブレム is actually valid on EH still has a specific tag if people do only want to see characters from that (story has little to do with it in my experience, even for super old stuff, is a bunch of pixels look fappable to people its going to get porn regardless of plot). As long as the generic series tag does not get in the way of that it can co-exist.
I'd say just go for a generic series tag if you want to maintain it but name it something like "Fire Emblem Series" or the like, theoretically just naming it Fire Emblem / ファイアーエムブレム and making a new tag that uses the (translated) Japanese subtitle for that first game also works but that would get a bit messy if you ever stop maintaining it, and I've learned from experience that tags that stop working when the caretaker quits over beef, boredom, RL, ect. are risky.

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