If you can't stand not having sex in the doujins you read, you are free to blacklist the Non-H tag instead of telling the moderators of the site that it's "the wrong place" to upload them. The tag exists for a reason.
This is heavily resized. Get the original from here: https://exhentai.org/g/1028658/74da512991/ Use the program fast stone photo resizer to get it slightly below the upload limit of 500 MB.
Akira Stop using any of these sites as sources: hentaifox, hentai2read, nhentai, and any other site that resizes their galleries. Everything you upload from them is low quality and will be rejected.
Fakku content is not accepted on here, unfortunately. Also, do not use Tsumino as a source, you don't have a proper source link, wrong category, and NO tags at all. This upload is a complete fail in every aspect.
Use the program fast stone photo resizer to get it slightly below the upload limit of 500 MB.
Stop using any of these sites as sources: hentaifox, hentai2read, nhentai, and any other site that resizes their galleries. Everything you upload from them is low quality and will be rejected.