10/10 this is the good shit.
We need 100x more of this and 100x less of everything else.
If you swap all the genders in this, you'll see how messed up it is. And how messed up that it doesn't seem all that messed up until you do that.
I still liked it tho. Except the eyes.. those were all super weird.
It was her first felony too.
Actually first TWO felonies.
Statutory Rape and Blackmail.
The cover is very misleading. There is only one picture of one foot in this whole thing. Don't be fooled if that's what you're looking for.
The art isn't too bad though.
That's just sad.
Also not only is he gross, but horribly drawn.
Wow, and no pay off whatsoever.
We have no idea what happened after that.
LAME. I can't imagine that turning out well.
In Japan, I'm pretty sure Bitch also means Slut, so that explains the title.
How is there a wedding ceremony? They are like 10.
That was weird.
MY GOD... I didn't even know that FEMINIZATION could be used on girls.
My eyes have been opened. O.O

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