Anonymous3033 on
That Sailor boy part was probably the best.
Anonymous3033 on
Another broken link I see.
Anonymous3033 on
Not bad. Probably would have been better if it was longer.
Anonymous3033 on
Just as he got rid of his boner...
That ending was brutal. He could have just given her that kiss.
Anonymous3033 on
This was quite cute.
That (lol) thing that gets written sometimes is always a turn off. I wonder why people write that in the translations in the first place.
Anonymous3033 on Danran
Could you both elaborate on what led to this conclusion.
>>9075 @ Bloody smile
>>13341 @ ALMA KARMA
I agree. Its an excellent deduction. I didn't give it that much thought upon reading though but, its certainly food for thought.
Not bad. I quite like the abundance of BBW here.
>>464 @ Kyhek
I know that feeling. I feel the same way with quite a few doujins; including this one.
I didn't enjoy this much.
Anonymous3033 on
Anonymous3033 on
I need a sequel. Since shes clearly gotten pregnant. Hows he going to deal with this going forward.
I love the Katana and Kimono look on the front cover.

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