One shot not doujin
KingBW on Twins 30 days
One shot not manga
One shot not manga
Change the english title to: Namanaka. | No Condom Sex + Omake
Or just drop one cuz they're 2 titles
One shot not manga
One shot not manga
KingBW on
Already submitted
KingBW on
Drop the description because basically describing what a vanilla parody doujin is.
Also this should be about 113MB so I'm guessing this is lower res, just don't know how much lower
One shot not manga
One shot not manga
Japanese title: スイミー

One shot not doujin
One shot not manga
KingBW on You Psychopath
One shot not doujin
Change to manga.
English title: Seiyoku Kitou Saint Feather Ch. 1-9
Japanese title: 聖翼姫闘セイントフェザー 第1-9章

exhentai. org/g/539323/145a6ddc7c/
doujinshi. org//book/26843/Seiyoku-Kitou-Saint-Feather/?agree=force

Sucks that they stopped 25 pages before finishing
One shot not manga.
I'd also drop the quotation marks from the titles cuz they aren't the japanese title. Don't know why the scanlator added them.
KingBW on
Noticed that this is 1 page short of what the gallery is and that a missing page was added after the torrent was put up. Did you add the missing page? If so, which page is missing?
One shot not manga
One shot not manga
KingBW on
Vol. needs to be added in the japanese title of a few of these submissions
KingBW on
Don't know if anyone reads japanese galleries on here or if they're currently being accepted

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