A lot of vanilla stories about spicier-than-mild girls. A few of them throw in supernatural plots that may or may not be illusions. Pacing might be a bit rough on the start up, but once the sex kicks in, phew! Well that's all that really matters.
This is finally on Pururin. I'm looking forward to more of Airandou's works being added!
Proper response would be to push her away man. But u know, if she's that dead set on it, either you oblige or she'll find someone else that will.
Not the type of oyakodon one would typically expect. Shame the mom didn't get in on it. Aside from mom, surprisingly vanilla.
Time to formally break it off. The childhood friend wins again! (hopefully)
It's the simple grotesque truth behind a revolutionary breakthrough in biological science. Didn't you read?
Yuri nipple sex is not something I was aware I needed, but now I NEED MOAR!
Not bad for a new artist and hey, we definitely need more Nagatoro. Keep it up!
Wholesome zombie will always be depressing ;-;
Excited to see more Airandou on this site :D
Lovely alraune x beast girl. God I need more!
Hoho. Not a dream but a premonition!
A lot of thought was put into this. So many couples. More stories?
1.5 kilos of pure vanilla! Take your diabetes pill before diving in!
Anonysis on HIMITSU II
I could've sworn I've read this before, COZ THERE'S NOT WAY I'D FORGET THAT 4KOMA AUTHOR NOTE LMFAO
Airandou is the master of orgasmic lolis
>>1072769 @ GundamKira
And man that art style invokes some sleeper agent 2000s VN shit in me.
>>1072758 @ Anonymous
Tag you're looking for is "story arc" and dont forget to set the page limit past 100. Tankoubans can also feature long stories as well.
Ah yes. He became the very thing he (they) sought to destroy.
This was okay. . . but the pacing. We skipped a detail regarding Mr. Blonde, and they transitioned straight from school to steamy kiss with cake LOL
This has classic written all over it. Btw, all pages will be dedicated to the single story.
I wish I knew more about the brother before making certain conclusions. That ambiguity kills me.

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