That's nice
Even after sex his face says "fuck man I'm tired"
WaifuSeeker on
Too bad I already wacked off to some good stuff, still love the story :P
Now that was story to behold
Even if her parents didn't love her, her adorable brother would...literally.
WaifuSeeker on
5 stars yep yep yep
Such a caring boss, though I wished she said yes ;P
I don't usually read rape manga but this time I made an acception.
Great art and storyline.
That was adorable
Sometimes I wonder why I’m into this stuff, but my lust doesn’t know category
This bitch really saved up for that moment. XD talk about dedication.
WaifuSeeker on
Holy shit that was crazy awesome
WaifuSeeker on
Whoever rated this manga a low rating is a damn idiot
I wish that could be my aunt
WaifuSeeker on
This is on my top favorite list to read
Great, I thought it would only be one girl but no it was a lot more!

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