I read it elsewhere but cant ind it there anymore. Hoping I can ind it here!
It's a school manga series with multiple girls, each chapter revolves about one or two girls. INthe volume 1 the chapters were assigned by girl, then volume 2 chapters were assigned by costume (santa costume, school uniorm, etc)
there was a chapter about 2 sisters who dont like each other and always conpeting. then they saw each other being molested and raped in the train but too proud to ask or help rom each other
there was a character kurin-chan in pigtails!
thanks in advance!
It's a school manga series with multiple girls, each chapter revolves about one or two girls. INthe volume 1 the chapters were assigned by girl, then volume 2 chapters were assigned by costume (santa costume, school uniorm, etc)
there was a chapter about 2 sisters who dont like each other and always conpeting. then they saw each other being molested and raped in the train but too proud to ask or help rom each other
there was a character kurin-chan in pigtails!
thanks in advance!