Looking for Two Sauces

Hello. I read two English translated doujinshi a while back, but I can't seem to remember their names, nor have I been able to find them since. The separate descriptions are below:

1) A couple promises to get married when young. And while they do get married, the boy grows up (and is relatively tall) while the girl doesn't grow at all. They meet up with a couple who are expecting a baby, and the main girl wants to have a baby as well. I remember the last page having her pregnant and saying something like this while watching TV: "I want enough babies for a soccer team".

2) The main male character ends up in an accident and is told by a doctor early on that he has a unique condition where he can't masturbate without someone else helping him. I also remember that the doujnshi title is the name of this condition (and is bizarre sounding). For the rest of the doujinshi, his childhood friend helps him out while he has his condition, as she feels responsible.

Thank you in advance.

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