Looking for a very specific picture...

so one of my folders got deleted and while i can slowly rebuild it, there is one picture in particular plaguing my mind, it was one of my favorites.. i'll try my best to describe it.

it was a shota crossdressing picture, older guy, young boy. it was a single paged comic [there might've been more but idk], but it had some captions and dialogue. basically they met at a train station and the guy kept feeling the shota up everyday so one day he invited the older businessman to his room, when his parents werent home, and then the shota is asking to be impregnated while undressing, and pointing his ass torwards the guy. im pretty sure the bottom panel is them fucking and theres a slightly larger caption at the bottom of the picture detailing the whole incident, like a narration..

i wish i could describe it better, but i havnt looked at it for a year or so, but it was one of my all time favs and i need it back... thanks.

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