Source: Yuri Ecchi Age Difference? (SELF SOLVED)

I have no idea how to find this doujin. It's too tame for here but too weird to ask anywhere else.

What I remember is this:

* Young girl goes to live with her "aunt". I think it's actually her mom's old friend?
* There's a Misato/Shinji vibe to their relationship, where she drinks a lot
* The "aunt" tries getting her shit together but starts falling for this girl
* The main thing is: she starts putting her head under the girls skirt to smell her because it "calms her down"

I literally know nothing else about it, or where I read it, but it was in the past year or two that I saw it, and I can't find it at all now. Any help would be appreciated.
Shit, found it. Got lucky searching "yuri ecchi age gap" and found it on Dynasty Scans.

It's called AGE 15, by Asagi Ryuu. And they're not "aunt"/"niece", they're cousins sixth-times removed. https://*****

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