Friends mom

looking for manga where the mc saved his friends life than as a thank you his friend give his mom as a present for mc. i think the friend and friend's father are
I am very interested in knowing the name too, I've never read it but I'd like to
You know what? Tell me the details
Are the mc and the friends students, they wear uniforms, is someone else involved in the sex like threesomes, is there netorare or is all consent? And is there anuthing specific about the mother or the sex, like anal, bdsm, public sex, humiliation, costumes, is she fat or with huge tits? It would help me finding it with advanced search
>>2436 @ Anonymous it's netorare. mc friend and his father are fat. her mom was force at first than she enjoy to fuck with mc. than mc father know that his wife was forced to fuck his son's friend

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