16 comments (0 hidden)

Bloody smile
The pregnant prince was better
strangely wholesome? she was hot though so it doesn’t really matter, right?
Fellas, don't lie: Is this G A Y?
Damn this kinda messed up
>>144473 @ Anonymous i dont think soo
>>144473 @ Anonymous
No dick = not gay

Trust me, I’m kind of a scientist myself
Yet if he realized that it was his brother and willingly fucked him anyway, you have to entertain the notion that maybe little brother was a little gay for his bro beforehand
Aye, das a lil' gay ( - 3-)
>>144473 @ Anonymous
The answer doesn't matter we're still gonna fap to it
If you listen to Tupac while reading this does it make it a gangsta fap?
bruh porn aside that artwork is really good
The big bro is gay. The lil bro love his siblings and now his siblings has a pussy so he not gay. The comic not gay cause it man fucking women(titty✓ pussy✓)
>>144437 @ Bloody smile
lol whats that
That's one badass brother. He changed his bro-turned-sis from a NEET to a normie AND got himself a gf in the process. Without paying even one V buck or Roblox dollar.
Был бы у меня такой брат, я может и не женился бы никогда.

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